Concert Drunken Catfish Ramblers

Aflati in trecere prin orasul nostru, doi americani din Luisiana ne canta vineri, 26 august la Mozskva Cafe. Concertul incepe la ora 21 si intrarea este libera.

Iata ciudata lor poveste, istorisita de insesi personajele ei:

Matt was raised by wolves in the Appalachians where he passed time playing banjo and riding grizzly bears. One day a freight train was rolling by as he was riding. Okie Greg was on the train, having hopped it to escape his cruel keepers at the circus. Greg spotted Matt and, just before Matt rode the griz straight off a cliff, he lassoed the banjo and pulled matt to safety. It just so happened Bob was driving this same train. When the train derailed later that day, all three were flung into a ditch. Everyone was safe but Bob’s guitar was smashed to pieces. Ever resourceful, the boys salvged the pieces of the guitar, and pieced together a ukulele from the scraps.
The rest is history . . .